Against the ideology of terrorism
  • Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation
  • The UN Information Center and the Union of Journalists of Russia
  • Media experts and representatives of the federal media
Against the ideology of terrorism
An international conference on Media Participation in countering Terrorism will be held on October 7, 2024.

We invite international journalists to take part in thematic workshops and a round table of the conference to discuss the final document, which will be sent to the organizations with the support of which the event is being held - to the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, the UN Information Center, NAC, CSTO.

The conference is held within the framework of the International ArcHcongress, the issues and speakers of which may also be of interest to media representatives and young journalists. The Congress covers a wider range of issues of safety and health of cities and settlements with the support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (CCI of the Russian Federation), the International Academy of Architecture (IAA) and the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences (RAASN), the BRICS Business Council, the CIS Business Center for Economic Development with the participation of: State Duma deputies, senators, FNCC MRIK FMBA , etc.

Objectives of the Conference on countering terrorism:
– attracting the attention of representatives of media communities from different countries, interested national, state, public, as well as international organizations to the problems of countering international terrorism through electronic media;
– creation and preservation of information security in the media as a factor in countering terrorism;
– exchange of experience of Russian and foreign journalists, creators of television programs, films, radio programs, Internet resources dedicated to anti-terrorist topics;
– finding points of interaction of cooperation in the anti-terrorist activities of Russian and foreign journalists;
– exchange of practical experience of Russian and foreign journalists;
– promotion of the Russian position in the fight against international terrorism;
– finding new solutions in the ideological fight against international terrorism;
– identification of new threats of international terrorism and preparation of journalists for these threats;
– analysis of the danger posed by the actions of terrorists in cyberspace, and development of methods to ensure cybersecurity, including in the media space;
– improving the level of basic and professional education of journalists.

Moderator of the round table:
Alexander Chugunov is the curator of the Congress club programs, the leading author of the MARCHI courses, the director of the Architect Agency for International Cooperation and the author of travel programs for more than 50 countries of Europe, Asia, America and Africa

Secretary of the Union of Journalists of Russia, international journalist, political scientist
Professor of the Department of Communication Technologies at the Institute of International Relations of the Moscow State Linguistic University; Chief Researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director General of the International Press Club Agency. Chumikov PR and Consulting", Doctor of Political Sciences
Vladimir Valerievich
Director, UN Information Center in Moscow
Evgeny Alexandrovich
Head of the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo)
Natalia Ivanovna
Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Assistant Secretary General of the CSTO
Elena Gennadievna
Vice-President of the Association for Integrated Business Security, member of the Expert Council of the BRICS countries, Advisor to the President of the MAP, Head of the Committee for Educational and Cultural-Educational Activities at the Moscow Association of Entrepreneurs (COPD), Advisor to the Rector for Social Policy and Development of Strategic Communications at the Academy of Innovative Education and Development, member of the Association of Social Associates of the President of the Russian Federation
General Director of the Fund for Support of Cultural Initiatives "Zur Art". Editor-in-chief of "Embassy Life". Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia and Moscow
Alexey Yurievich Lobarev
Director General of the International Center for Information Technology and Cybersecurity, Chairman of the International Digital Economy Security Committee, Chief Expert of the National Public Control Committee
Address: Russia, Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya embankment 12.
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